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Suggested Toy List
Baby Items: Board Books, wash clothes, baby receiving blankets, bath toys, toothbrushes, baby spoons, stuffed animals, rattles, teething toys. Be aware of choking hazards.
Backpack Items: Blankets, 12 inch and larger stuffed animals, coloring books, large box of crayons, bubbles, reusable water bottles, nerf balls, craft kits.
Thoughtful Thermal Items: Family Friendly DVDs, books, bouncy balls, erasers, pencil sharpeners, Play-Doh, stress balls, small kick balls, manicure kits, finger nail polish, hairbrushes, combs, crayons, markers, colored pencils, stuffed animals, Silly Putty, socks, puzzles, activity books, deck of cards, travel games, UNO, matchbox cars, Lego kits, craft kits, Chapstick, Kleenex, hand sanitizer